Security Doors
Doors separate non-secure from secure areas. They also provide a physical barrier against specific types of attack—with corresponding levels of resistance to be defined in accordance with your security needs.
Creating an adequate security perimeter
DorTek steel or aluminium security doors comply with the highest standards of safety and security to guarantee optimum protection for peripheral areas as well as sensitive or confinement areas.
High security products
All DorTek security doors undergo strict testing by independent laboratories to certify their compliance with internationally acknowledged standards of resistance to physical attacks, bullets, explosives and fire. Depending on your requirements, these various types of resistance can also be combined.
MagTek doors for resistance to physical attacks
MagTek steel or aluminium security doors offer certified resistance to physical attacks as per EN 1627.
Facing outside, these doors will adapt to any existing architecture with a wide range of options for dimensions, design and finishes.
Located inside, MagTek doors will protect sensitive areas from break-ins (e.g. technical rooms or back office and counting rooms for CIT pickups). They can also be used to create confinement areas and protect emergency evacuation routes in combination with fireproof doors.

Break-in resistant aluminium door
MagTek security doors are designed to protect your premises against break-ins and subsequent risks of intrusion and theft. Their elegant design allows them to fit in discreetly.

Break-in resistant aluminium door with thermal insulation
MagTek IA thermo-insulated security doors offer resistance to physical attacks. They also comply with the EU Directive on the energy performance of buildings and therefore contribute to lower energy consumption.

Multi-resistance steel security doors
CityDoor steel security doors offer combined resistance to physical attacks, bullets and fire.
They create an ideal protection for sensitive areas destined to be used for emergency evacuations.
DarTek bulletproof security doors
The DarTek range offers bulletproof protection. Assembled with aluminium or steel profiles and reinforced with ballistic steel plates, DarTek doors can resist gunfire up to level FB7 as per EN 1522.
In response to recent threats, the DarTek range has now been supplemented with a specific "AK47" model offering certified resistance to Kalashnikov rounds. We can also manufacture models for special requirements. Please contact us.

Bulletproof doors and partitions with thermal insulation
DarTek IA aluminium security doors and partitions are bulletproof as per EN 1522. With plain or glass infills, they also provide thermal insulation and benefit from refined aesthetics to blend in with existing architecture.

AK47 bulletproof doors and partitions
DarTek IA-K47 aluminium security doors and partitions are specifically designed to resist shots from Kalashnikov assault rifles. With plain or glass infills, they also provide thermal insulation and benefit from refined aesthetics to blend in with existing architecture.
BlasTek blast-resistant security doors
The BlasTek range offers certified resistance to both types of explosion—detonation and deflagration. All BlasTek doors are tested for compliance with EN 13123/4 and ISO/DIS 16933 standards. They can be adapted to existing environments through an extensive choice of options for dimensions, colours, finishes and installation methods.

Aluminium blast resistant doors and partition
Fichet blast resistant doors have been specially developed for sensitive sites exposed to the risks of accidental (industrial hazards) or terrorist explosions, whilst maintaining an elegant and seamless appearance.
VulTek fireproof security doors
VulTek doors guarantee optimum protection to individuals and assets by confining fire outbreaks to a limited area. Compliant with EN 1634-1, these doors are available with a wide range of options for dimensions, finishes and accessories.

Multi-resistance aliminium security doors
VulTek+ A/IA/AS aluminium fireproof security doors prevent fire from spreading. They also provide certified protection against bullets and physical attacks.

Multi-resistance steel security doors
VulTek+ S steel security doors combine fire, break-in and ballistic resistance. They can also be customized to fit your specific dimensions.
SliSec, automatic sliding doors
Fichet’s established leadership in securing sensitive and valuable sites has once again paid off. That expertise has earned the SliSec some of the highest protections in terms of burglary resistance (P8B) and ballistic resistance (BR6) available today. From its materials (thick aluminum, bulletproof glass, etc.) to infrared sensors or even its 5-point locking system, it has been designed in full compliance with the governing European Standards on sliding doors (EN 16005).

Automatic sliding doors
SliSec sliding door is designed to offer some of the highest protections in terms of burglary resistance (Level P8B) and ballistic resistance (Level BR6) in full compliance with the EN 16005 European Standards on sliding doors. Made up with aluminium, SliSec is available as a single leaf door or as a double leaf door and can integrate a series of optional features, such as strickers plates, emergency opening devices, PIN pads...